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Co-Workers and Co-Leaders

This book has been written by women and men to help train others in biblical leadership and practical skills in leading, especially to equip Christian women in their calling to be leaders.

Co-Workers and Co-Leaders - Trailer

"The role of religious and faith-based organizations in addressing poverty with a gender perspective"

with Christine MacMillan, Seble Daniel and others

"Co-workers and Co-leaders: Women and Men Partnering for God's Work"

with Esme Bowers and Chris Wright

"Research for Impact"

with Claire Gibbons, Harriet Ngugi, Elsa Pereira, Diane Marshall

"Aligning Actions with Beliefs and Values"

with Ken Katayama, Amanda Jackson and Helene Fisher


In this magazine the reader will encounter articles that focus on uplifting women in persecution, humanitarian work, search for justice, church planting and concerning domestic violence.

Wake up, rise in strength

This booklet offers a program of activities and teachings to equip Christian women to understand their calling to be leaders.

Gender or Giftedness

Lynn Smith has written this still actual book decades ago, upon request of the WEA, as response to the question: “Does gender determine ministry or does ministry flow out of call and giftedness?”

A Biblical View of Relationships to End Domestic Abuse

An international team of WEA women formed a taskforce on domestic abuse. The result, this document, frames this topic as a first priority in understanding and dealing with “the immense and sinful problem of abuse”.

Man and Woman, One in Christ: An Exegetical and Theological Study of Paul's Letters

Does Paul teach a hierarchy of authority of man over woman, or does he teach the full equality of man and woman in the church and home? In Man and Woman, One in Christ, Philip Barton Payne answers this question and more, injecting crucial insights into the discussion of Paul’s view of women.

Men and Women in Christ: Fresh Light From The Biblical Texts

The debate between egalitarian and complementarian views on women in the church and in marriage continues to cause division among evangelical Christians. Andrew Bartlett makes use of his experience as a judge and arbitrator in assessing the debate, with impartiality rather than advocacy (like a barrister).

Half the Church: Recapturing God's Global Vision for Women

Women comprise at least half the world, and usually more than half the church, but so often Christian teaching to women either fails to move beyond a discussion of roles or assumes a particular economic situation or stage of life.

The Cape Town Commitment: A Confession of Faith and a Call to Action

In October of 2010, over 4,000 Christian leaders from 198 countries met in Cape Town, South Africa, to discuss critical issues of our time as they relate to the Church and evangelization.

Empowering Women and Men to Use Their Gifts Together in Advancing the Gospel

Rise in Strength

Rise in Strength is community of women who are leaders across cultures and nations.

CBE International

CBE International, also known as Christians for Biblical Equality, is the world’s largest egalitarian organization.

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